Created by DIMA MEDIA Grafic Solutions !


You'd see a cool Applet here if you didn't suck!

Each artwork will be delivered in ca. DIN A1 format, except the cheaper ones. Each is numered ans signed.
A modern frame is included in the price !

Please press the "show-button" underneath the thumbnails to have a larger view !
Jedes Kunstwerk ist ca. DIN A1 groß , auß er die billigeren. Jedes ist nummeriert und handsigniert.
Im Preis inbegriffen ist eine moderne  Rahmung !

Klicken Sie bitte auf den "show-Knopf" unter den Vorschaubildern, um eine vergröß erte Ansicht zu sehen   !


Thumnail !

Pearls in under water world !
Perlen in Unterwasserwelt !

Composed by Dr.D.M.

Purchase the artwork ! Edition 016001   580.- DM 

"Cool Stop"
Thumbnail !

Cool rain,cool brain,
stop !
Composed by

Edition 015001 
490.- DM
Purchase the artwork !

"Cuba libre"
Thumbnail !

... and if you like that Sa-Bop,
you can dance the whole night
long !
Composed by Dr.D.M.

Edition 015002   490.- DM
Purchase the artwork !

"Global vision"
Thumbnail !

Inner vision of the
reality !
Composed by

Edition 014001
480.- DM

Purchase the artwork !

Zurück ! Anfang ! Ende ! vor !